Success stories


Luis H.

“My name is Luis, I live in Denton, and I currently work for Nike. I workout mostly with Brad and Vince here at IPT.

The most amazing result I have achieved was reaching my long term goal of getting to a body weight of 180 lbs, and then blowing past it! Now I am currently sitting at 171.7 lbs and it feels amazing! For reference, when I first started I weighed 199.1 lbs. So I have lost 27 lbs total, and 23 lbs of that was straight body fat mass!

I feel like I’ve retaken control of my confidence and health again while being at IPT. I went to a couple concerts this year and for the first time in my life I felt confident enough to wear a tank top and be shirtless! Reaching my long term goal of getting to 180 and going past it has really helped me stay consistent and grow to love working out/being active. I have also completed two 10K's in the last few months when a year ago I could not run half a mile without having to sit down to keep from passing out.

I highly recommend joining IPT if you need somewhere to get control of your health. It is hard to get started, and your personal health journey is not going to be a sprint, it's going to be a marathon. I could not have done it without the structure, intensity, and support from the trainers at this gym. Best decision I have made in my life!”


Matthew M.

“My name is Matthew McFarland and I am an Accounting Specialist living in Allen, TX. My main trainer is John, but I also regularly work with Josh, Drew, and many other trainers there. I think that is my favorite part about IPT and that is each trainer that works there, no matter if you are considered "their" client or not, takes an interest in getting to know you and takes pride in helping you achieve your goals.

Speaking of achievements, during my 1st 6 weeks with IPT I have lost over 25 pounds and reduced my overall body fat by 4%. This weight loss has brought me under 300 pounds for the 1st time since the pandemic started. The accountability that each trainer provides through consistent follow up on completing additional workouts in the app, constant check-ins during the workouts, and accountability on what you are eating & making sure it is in line with the dietary plan put in place with the nutritionist.

This change has most been noticeable in life with my 2 daughters. Before working with IPT, when they wanted to play outside, I always found myself sitting in a lawn chair and monitoring instead of getting out there and playing with them, whether it was sports, games of tag, or others.

I cannot recommend enough committing to working with IPT no matter who your trainer is.. They all take pride in making sure you are getting as much out of each workout as possible each and every visit. I would be not doing IPT justice in mentioning the people behind the scenes as well in helping hold accountability, shout out praises for achieved milestones, and creating meal plans/recipes to share. The entire experience at IPT has been above and beyond what I had expected going into meeting up with a personal trainer on a regular basis.”


Stephanie K.

Hi, my name is Stephanie K. I’m a V.P., Local Media Manager at Rubin Postaer & Associates in Irving Texas – an ad agency where I’ve worked for the past 17 years. I joined IPT in January of 2015 after seeing a horrific photo of myself in a bikini from our 2014 summer vacation at our family Christmas gathering (note the before pic here – ouch). I was driving around the area close to where I live and noticed IPT in one of the local strip mall centers. It was a Saturday around 3pm, so I wasn’t sure if they’d be open. As I walked up, I saw that they were indeed closed, but as I turned to leave… a really nice guy stopped me and asked if I was looking for information about IPT. I confirmed that I was and I came to find out that his name was Ray and he was one of the owners. He proceeded to unlock the building to let me in and gave me a tour of their facilities. He also gave me a rundown of the various training opportunities IPT had to offer and asked me what I was looking for. When he explained IPT’s small group workouts to me, I knew immediately that I’d accidentally happened upon the perfect place for me. I had participated in similar workouts years before and had good results but had fallen out of the workout routine for some time.Once I began my workouts four days a week, I also met with Ray’s wife Amy who talked to me about nutrition and changes that I needed to make in my eating habits in order to see the results I wanted. IPT offers so much by way of healthy lifestyle documents, video recipes, recipe lists, and other helpful information on their website as well as their Face book page that it made this transition manageable. I won’t say it’s been easy (especially the first 30 days), but now that I’m five months in… it really has become the way that I live my life and make my meal choices.The trainers at IPT are just awesome! They take turns in leading the group classes and really push each individual within the class to rise up to his or her potential. Since the groups are small, there is no lack of individual attention as it relates to form correction or input if injuries are in play.My overall goal was to lose 40-50 pounds and to tone my body when I started this journey. Almost halfway through my first year and I’m already down 35 pounds and 12% body fat! And while there’s still toning that needs to happen, I have definitely seen progress on that front as well. The best part is all of my friends, coworkers and family have noticed and constantly tell me how great I look. I cannot express enough how much IPT has changed my life for the better. I would not hesitate for one second to recommend their services to anyone who’s serious about getting fit and feeling fabulous!!


Ben B.

.My name is Ben, and I’ve become a consistent workout-aholic! I train with Mike 4 times a week. I help run a software business based here in Allen that I co-founded over 11 years ago. I don’t really have a specific result I want to share, such as a certain body weight or a particular increase in strength, although I’ve successfully gained nearly 20lbs while closely maintaining body fat % and my lifts have increased across the board.

For me the personalized approach that has kept me committed at IPT way longer than anywhere else is by far the biggest deal. The team understands my specific goals, strengths and weaknesses, and on a regular basis puts that knowledge to work through nutrition and training guidance. I’ve been through it all, working out solo at the gym, various crossfit gyms, and I’ve tried several other popular HIIT options. End of the day, it’s true that no two bodies are the same and no one-size-fits-all solution can replicate personalized planning and attention. And I do not have the time or expertise to manage my workouts on my own and keep it interesting and challenging enough to keep me committed.

I came in wanting to gain weight, increase strength and feel confident that I wasn’t sabotaging myself with my diet (super important!), and as mentioned, I have gained nearly 20lbs and increased my lifts. Ray’s measured approach to nutrition has also helped educate me to the point that most days I am able to hit specific nutrition targets with ease.

I think highly of Mike, Gabby, Ray and everyone else here…
IPT in a way has become a second home of mine. I find myself excited and anxious to get to the gym on most days. The results I have achieved there have had a tremendous impact on me not only physically but also mentally. 

Remember that physical health is just like every other aspect of your life- there are no shortcuts. Get in for the long run. Commit yourself and stay consistent. If I have learned anything, it’s that nothing happens overnight. What is true is that time will pass regardless… so what are you waiting for? You will not regret the decision to meet this team and let them help you on your fitness journey.


Sandy P.

Hi my name is Sandy, I live in Mckinney TX and I am a Grants Manager for The Hoglund Foundation. I have been with IPT for over a year and attend the group training sessions. 


In my time here at IPT I have lost 22lbs and built up muscle!  I love, love that EVERY trainer knows EVERY client’s name, even though you don’t see them on a regular basis. This speaks volumes how important clients are to the trainers and staff!


Coming to train at IPT has definitely improved my quality of life! I firmly believe that it doesn't get easier, you just get better...that's how I feel, I've gotten better!


Having Abbie, IPT’s nutritionist for additional accountability, has taught me how track my macros and to make healthier choices.  I would definitely recommend adding nutrition to your program, it will change it how you look at food and teach you how to eat!

If you want to get results and be around a people that care about your goals, then IPT is the place to be!


Alysia H

My name is Alysia, I live in Wylie Texas and I am a Freshman in High School!.

Since starting in the Summer of 2021 I have lost about 30 pounds and my stamina has improved, and I have more energy! The best part about Infinity Personal Training is the accountability aspect with the Trainer and Nutritionist along the way!

I actually enjoy working out now and have been looking forward to my workouts, which is a huge change for me! Every time I'm able to lift heavier I am ecstatic and cannot wait to see my future gains. I am very proud that I can now deadlift 225 pounds on a Hex Bar!

I highly recommend working out with the trainers at IPT. They will continue to motivate you to stay on track with your goals even on days that you are not as motivated!


Randy M.

My name is Randy M and I have been working out at IPT for over 4 years. I retired 5 years ago from BCBSTX where I worked out with other trainers prior to joining IPT. Some of my biggest challenges that I have faced when working out or doing daily activities are that I have torn both my rotator cuffs and my bicep. I also had weak knees that have previously kept me from accomplishing a lot of things.

When I started rehab for my shoulder surgery, my rehab and training were duplicative efforts, so I stopped doing Physical Therapy, and decided to work solely with Vince on rehabbing my shoulder. We actually ended up getting my shoulder health in check, so then we started working on strengthening my knees. I was receiving cortisone shots every 6 months before I met Vince, now since working with Vince, I am happy to report that I have not had any more shots for over 3.5 years now. I am stronger and healthier than I have ever been and can now complete a weighted wall sit without my knees hurting at all, which is a very proud accomplishment of mine! 

Whether your goal is weight loss, working around injuries, or building strength, I highly recommend working out at IPT. IPT has helped to make my retirement years a much more happy and healthy adventure, and I look forward to my sessions every week!


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