Sep 08, 2016

How to Stock Your Kitchen for Success

It all starts with the kitchen. You can have the best of intentions to want to cook and eat healthy meals but if your kitchen doesn’t make it easy to do, it will make your life that much harder.
            Transforming your kitchen can be quite a task….only let’s be honest…it’s GOING to be a pain. However, the benefits will definitely outweigh the time it will take you to get it done. So let’s begin!

This first step is the most time consuming but it’s also the most important. You wouldn’t repaint a house covered in dirt right? Same concept here. We can’t rebuild your kitchen unless we clear out all the stuff you don’t need. So you need to literally go through everything in your refrigerator and cabinets. Start with one space at a time. Take out EVERYTHING from the shelf, cabinet, drawer and decide if it stays or goes. Things that go:

  • Anything expired
  • Any leftovers that don’t stand a chance of being eaten. If you didn’t eat it already and it’s been a few days, it ain’t gonna happen.
  • Double condiments (It’s one thing to have a few different salad dressing options but do you REALLY need three mustards???)
  • Double of anything that isn’t necessary (Can openers, whisks, appliances)
  • Mix match Tupperware
  • Anything that is not used regularly or ever (We're look at you, Late night As Seen on TV purchase!)
  • Anything you don’t eat anymore (Many of us have nonperishables that just sit in our house, taking up space)

Donate anything that is still usable or post on Facebook to see if anyone wants it!



Now that everything is clean and all that is left is stuff you actually need and use, it’s time to organize it.

  • Start by figuring out if where every thing is makes sense. When you first moved into that kitchen, you may have just put things away as you were unpacking and never got around to fixing it. Now it’s time to see if it’s set up for your needs. Are the spices easily accessible from where you typically set up to prep food? Is the Tupperware in a place where you can easily grab it or do you need to get a step stool? Are the appliances on your counter the ones you use most or do you have to dig to get your blender every time you need it? Can you rearrange the fridge shelves to better fit the foods you typically get?
  • Get some help! You will be amazed what a few bins and baskets can do for your kitchen. Here are some items that will help:
  • Spice rack -prelabled or you can label them yourself. Total game changer for me. I no longer had to dismantle the entire shelf looking for a certain spice.
  • Baskets/bin to organize snacks, Tupperware lids, teas, grains, beans, etc.
  • 3 Tier Shelf organizer: can be used for spices, supplements, cans etc.
  • Fridge organizers: they have ones for veggies, eggs, snacks, etc.
  • Hooks: I use hooks to hang my strainer, my apron and my bottle cleaning brush. Many kitchen tools have holes in them. Figure out which ones you want to hang and go for it!
  • Pot lid organizers: you can get ones that hang off of a cabinet door with no installation necessary.
  • Door organizers: Ray and I have more supplements than Vitamin Shoppe and I was sick of them taking up so much cabinet space, plus I couldn’t see everything we had. So I bought baskets that hang from the pantry door. Total space saver
  • Check out places like Container store, Dollar store, Target, Walmart etc. to see what other things you can get to organize yourself. (Don’t go crazy though! You don’t want to overrun your kitchen with organizing tools you aren’t really using.) 


The goal here is to stock your kitchen with items that don’t go bad and that you don’t need to buy every week. If necessary, you should be able to make a meal out of the staples. Here are some ideas:

  • Spices: get all the major ones so you are ready for any recipe
  • Beans: canned or dried
  • Soups
  • Broths
  • Frozen items like meat, veggies, fruit
  • Grains

You want to be able to still throw together a meal if you don’t have any fresh food in the house.



Kitchen tools make our lives easier. But you don’t need a ton of gizmos and gadgets to get the job done. Everyone is different so think about the types of recipes and foods you tend to eat or would want to eat and cater your kitchen to those needs. (i.e. you find yourself always pinning crockpot recipes on Pinterest but you don’t have a crockpot or you love salads but don’t own a good knife.) Here are some of the basics:

  • Good blender/food processor
  • Sharp knife/knives
  • Matching Tupperware
  • Cookie sheet
  • Crock pot (one with a timer is super helpful)
  • Measuring spoons
  • Cutting board
  • Frying pan
  • Pots
  • Strainer

Get what YOU NEED, not what you think a kitchen should have. I don’t own a rolling pin because I know I will never use it. If I happen to need it, I can just borrow it from my mom!



This one occurs EACH time you go get fresh food. My goal each week is to have pretty much only the staples in my kitchen by the time I go food shopping again. It ensures things don’t go bad and that I’m not wasting food and money. In order to do this, you need to plan. Like anything else, it may take a bit to get used to doing this but just start and each week you will get better at it. Here are some things I consider while planning:

  • Any events going on that week (basically I try to estimate how many times Ray and/or I will not be eating at home…so I can buy less food)
  • Any staples I’m out of.
  • Anything I need from Costco. Since it’s just Ray and I, I only go to Costco about once a month. So when I do go, I make sure I make a list of what I need from there so I don’t miss anything.
  • Any recipes I want to try out and what I will need for them.
  • How busy my week is: If I know I have a super stacked week with a ton of meetings, I will be sure to buy quick meal options (Applegate hot dogs, sausages, fish (cooks quick) and precut veggies.)
  • Take note of what fresh foods I do still have left and what I can buy to complement them in a meal.

I ALWAYS go to the grocery store with a list. This way I don’t overbuy or forget anything. Get into the habit of doing it and you won’t regret it!


So there it is! I realize reading it, it sounds like a ton of work and so daunting BUT consider that Step 1 – 4 are really completed ONCE. That’s it. Do it once and it’s done. You can start your new healthy life in your super organized, ready for any meal kitchen!!!


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